

Bernardo Campos Diocaretz is a Chilean-Australian Software Engineer with extensive experience in Science and Technology. He specialises in developing IoT solutions, encompassing electronic circuit prototyping, microcontroller programming, back-end development, data analysis, and server and network administration.

In addition to his IT skills, Bernardo designs and builds electronic equipment for scientific purposes. Some of his projects have secured patents and been featured in scientific literature. Driven by a profound passion, Bernardo's primary focus is on utilising technology to improve the life of all living things.

Bernardo has laboratory experience working with autotrophs, focusing on growth optimisation. He has also worked on various projects, including lab and greenhouse automation, machine learning, and carbon capture. Currently, he is a Research Assistant at UTS and has a history of working as a software developer across web, desktop, and mobile platforms for various industries. Some of his key projects include AYA and Green Genie.

His areas of interest include agricultural technology, regional start-ups, automation, photobioreactors, environmental sensors, bioinformatics, and smart cities.

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